Child Find and Child-Centered Special Education Process
Child-Centered Special Education Process
Child Find
The districts have a responsibility to locate, identify, and evaluate students suspected of having a disability and are in need of special education and related services.
How do we find kids who aren’t enrolled?
1. ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) Programs work with children with disabilities ages Birth-3. 90 days prior to the 3rd birthday, ECI coordinates with the LEA regarding potentially eligible students.
2. Robertson County Coop runs an ad in the local newspaper and contacts local medical clinics, dental clinics, and child care facilities.
3. Robertson County Coop also contacts local Private and Home-school Programs to make them aware of our Child Find responsibilities and to describe a process for referral and
What about kids who are already enrolled in school?
Once a campus suspects that a student has a disability and is in need of special education and related services, the RTI or Campus Referral Committee should begin the referral process.
How do we know if the student has a disability?
Sometimes, a student will have an existing medical diagnosis or condition that indicates the possibility of a disability. Often, it is through the work of the RTI process, that academic challenges are not responding to structured interventions. It is important to remember that just because a student has a disability, does not automatically mean the student needs special education and related services. In these situations, it is important for the team to consider options to determine the most appropriate next step.
What about parent requests?
Parents can request an evaluation for their child, however, there is a process each campus should follow related to these requests. The campus RTI or Campus Referral Committee has 15 school days from the date of the request to either:
1. Issue a Notice of Refusal to Test with a copy of the parent Rights; OR
2. Obtain consent to test.
The campus team should consider all of the available data and whether there is a suspected disability and a need for special education and related services.
For additional information, you can access our Operating Guidelines at the RCSSC office.